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Researcher position (experimental atmospheric chemistry) - Meteorologiska institutet
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The Atmospheric Composition Research unit at FMI seeks an enthusiastic, motivated and highly qualified post-doctoral researcher on fixed-term contract to study atmospheric volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and their sources.

The successful applicant will contribute to improving our understanding of VOCs emitted by vegetation, sea and anthropogenic sources and their fate in the atmosphere. He or she will be working closely with other members of the Atmospheric Composition Research unit, especially in the Air Quality group. The currently open position will be part of the ongoing research project “Methanethiol - an unaccounted natural aerosol precursor emitted from the marine biota (MAVOC)”, which is funded by the Research council of Finland.

The researcher's tasks include, among others, field measurements (e.g., on Utö Island), analysis of samples and data using chromatographic methods, securing funding, and writing publications.

Statutory eligibility and language skills requirements Statutory language skills requirements
  • English
    • Speaking: Good
    • Understanding: -
    • Writing: Good
Our expectations of the applicant

• Candidates must have a doctoral degree in any relevant field (atmospheric chemistry or physics, environmental sciences).
• Experience in atmospheric research, in particular VOC measurements
• Willingness to conduct field work at national and international campaigns
• Willingness to work internationally, including meetings and research visits abroad
• Good communication, teamwork and organizational skills
• Ability to carry out independent research as well as work as part of a team
• Written and spoken fluency in English

Other desirable qualifications are
• Background knowledge in atmospheric chemistry, atmosphere-biosphere interactions, reactivity measurements/modeling and/or chromatographic methods
• Possession of a driving license
• Data handling and programming skills

We offer you We offer an interesting expert position with a well-known and respected employer, the support of a friendly and knowledgeable work community, as well as diverse sports opportunities and employee benefits. Contact Information

For more details, please contact Head of Air Quality group Heidi Hellén (heidi.hellen@fmi.fi or tel. 050 524 25 29).

How to apply

Primarily, we request applicants to submit their applications electronically via the Valtiolle.fi service. However, you can also apply for this job by delivering your application to the Registry Office’s postal address. Both the application and the envelope must feature the ID number of the position applied for. The letter must be delivered by the end of the application period.

  • The Registry of the The Finnish Meteorological Institute

    P.O.BOX 503 (Erik Palménin aukio 1, 00560 Helsinki) 00101 Helsinki
    00560 Helsinki

  • Organisation
  • The Finnish Meteorological Institute is an administrative branch of the Ministry of Transport and Communications. The Finnish Meteorological Institute makes observations and research on the atmosphere, the space and the seas. It also provides services on weather, sea, air quality, climate and space.


    You can work at one of our following locations

  • Helsinki
    PL 503 (Erik Palménin aukio 1)
    FI-00560 Helsinki
  • More about the employer
    Position information

    Other information of the position

  • More information: The work will begin on January 1, 2025, and continue until the end of December 2025. Extension may be possible after that.
  • Level of position: Specialists
  • Remote work: Possibility to work remotely
  • Reason for fixed-term employment: Nature of work
  • Working time format: Office working hours
  • Remuneration information: Salary will be based on experience and performance according to the FMI salary scale, base level 12.
  • Apply now
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