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Specialist / Senior Specialist (project management), 2 positions - Geologian tutkimuskeskus
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Specialist / Senior Specialist (project management), 2 positions

The Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) is looking for two specialists or senior specialists for the Mineral Economy Solutions unit. You will work either in the Mineral Intelligence or in the Ore Geology and Mineral Systems team. Your office is in Espoo, Kokkola, Kuopio or Rovaniemi and you can also work remotely flexibly in Finland.

Your will work as a project manager for domestic and international projects related to the mineral sector. You will lead projects of different types and sizes depending on your skills and experience. You are responsible for project planning, funding applications, coordination of the implementation and reporting. Stakeholder and customer cooperation at the European and global levels are also part of your tasks.

You are responsible for leading both scientific research and development projects and customer assignments suitable for your experience and background. The projects of the Mineral Intelligence team are related to solving geological problems, sustainable raw material management and risk management of value chains by utilising research data. The projects of the Ore Geology and Mineral Systems team are related to mineral system and mineral potential research and related expert services. When necessary, you may also work in other GTK's project management tasks.

You will work in the Mineral Economy Solutions unit of about 60 people. The work of our experts focuses on topics related to ore geology and mineral economy. The Mineral Intelligence team consists of 12 experts and the Ore Geology and Mineral Systems of 13 experts. Our operations are guided by GTK's strategy and especially one of its focus areas, availability of critical raw materials.

Our expectations of the applicant

Education, experience and skills expected of an applicant
• A Master’s degree in a suitable field
• Basic skills in project planning and management
• Fluent oral and written English skills
• Readiness and willingness to travel in our domestic and international projects

Education, experience and skills that are appreciated
• Geological or mineral sector experience and knowhow
• PhD degree in a suitable field
• Versatile and up-to-date experience in project planning and management
• Training / certifications related to project management and project leading
• Experience in leading project teams and several project partners
• Established domestic and international networks
• Knowledge of different domestic and international (for example EU) research funding instruments
• Fluent oral and written Finnish skills

Personal qualities desired from the applicant

You have excellent collaboration, networking and communication skills. You are an adaptable team player, you like to spar and help the team succeed together. You want to innovate and learn new things, you can withstand pressure and you know how to prioritize.

Benefits GTK is an international and diverse work community where everyone’s input is valued. Our employees have the opportunity to influence their own work and work remotely in Finland. At GTK we are committed to renew our operations and expertise. We take care of our employees’ wellbeing with our wide range of activities that support wellbeing at work. In addition, we offer central government holiday benefits and a modern and multi-location work, such as flexible working hours. We offer relocation services (e.g. help with permits and settling in) for employees moving to Finland from abroad. Find out more about us: Contact

For further information, please contact team manager (Ore Geology and Mineral Systems ) Hanna Leväniemi via email or via phone, tel. +358295032271, reachable June 17 at 14-16 EEST and July 25 at 9-11 EEST or team manager (Mineral Intelligence) Mika Posio via e-mail or via phone, tel. +358295030046, reachable August 2 at 9-11 EEST.

How to apply

Primarily, we request applicants to submit their applications electronically via the service. However, you can also apply for this job by delivering your application to the Registry Office’s postal address. Both the application and the envelope must feature the ID number of the position applied for. The letter must be delivered by the end of the application period.

  • The Registry of the Geological Survey of Finland

    Vuorimiehentie 5, P.O. Box 96
    FI-02151 Espoo

  • Organization

    At GTK, we aim to work for the Earth and for Us. We conduct objective research to find solutions to challenges posed by climate change, the energy transition, and the circular economy. Our 400 experts are specialists in the mineral economy, green energy, water management, the environment, and digital solutions. Together with our Finnish and global partners, we are building
    sustainable and carbon-neutral future. GTK is a research organization governed by the Finnish Ministry of Employment and the Economy.

    Kokkola, Kuopio, Rovaniemi, Espoo

    You can work at one of our following locations

  • Kokkola
    Teknologiakatu 7, P.O Box 97
    FI-67101 Kokkola
  • Kuopio, Viestikatu
    Viestikatu 7 A, P.O Box 1237
    FI-70211 Kuopio
  • Rovaniemi
    Lähteentie 2, P.O Box 77
    FI-96101 Rovaniemi
  • Espoo
    Vuorimiehentie 5 P.O Box 96
    FI-02151 Espoo
  • Visit the organisation
    Other information

    Other information related to the task

  • Other information about the job: The position is permanent. The starting date is 1.10.2024 or by agreement. The position includes a probationary period.

    We consciously advance the diversity and equality of our staff, so we encourage many kinds of people from diverse backgrounds to apply for our positions. Our internationalising work community is one example of our diversity. 91% of us are Finnish and 9% are non-Finnish.

    Please send your application with your motivation letter and CV in English through the service latest on 5.8.2024 at 16:15 (EEST), using service key 5560.

    The interviews are scheduled to take place during August.

    Please note that names of the applicants and the applications with attachments are public.
  • Employment group: Specialists
  • Remote work: Possibility to work remotely
  • About working remote: You can also work remotely flexibly in Finland.
  • Working time format: Office working hours
  • Basis of remuneration: The salary is determined by the competence of the person selected for the position.
  • Apply now
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