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The position of part-time and temporary teacher of Hungarian L1 language, at the European School of Helsinki, starting from August 13, 2024, is open for applications.

The European School of Helsinki is looking for a teacher of Hungarian L1 language who, within the framework of the European School programs, will teach Hungarian to pupils at Secondary school. The job entails a close collaboration with colleagues from different language sections in a dynamic, international team as well as regular communication with parents.

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Statutory eligibility and language skill requirements Language requirements
  • English
    • Speaking: Excellent
    • Writing: Good
  • Hungarian
    • Speaking: Excellent
    • Writing: Excellent
Our expectations of the applicant

- Qualifications of the teaching staff are stipulated in the Government Decree on European Schooling Helsinki 15/2008.
- A pedagogical degree in Hungarian L1 for the Secondary school.
- Experience in the field of education and more specifically with Hungarian first language teaching.

Benefits We offer, in addition to comprehensive coverage in occupational health care, also ePassi services. Clarifications

Clarification regarding the investigation of the criminal history of persons working with children and young people: The chosen applicant is obliged to present a criminal records extract in accordance with section 6, subsection 2 of the Criminal Records Act (770/1993), Act on the Investigation of the Criminal History of Persons Working with Children (504/2002).


Director Kristiina Siimes, tel. 029 533 2454, e-mail:

We prefer applications to be submitted electronically through the service. However, you can also apply for this job by sending your application to Helsinki European School, Bulevardi 18, 00120 Helsinki. Both the application and the envelope must have the ID number of the position being applied for. The letter must be received by the end of the application period.

How to apply

Primarily, we request applicants to submit their applications electronically via the service. However, you can also apply for this job by delivering your application to the Registry Office’s postal address. Both the application and the envelope must feature the ID number of the position applied for. The letter must be delivered by the end of the application period.

  • European School of Helsinki registry

    Bulevardi 18
    00120 Helsinki

  • Organization

    The European School of Helsinki is a state school accredited to the network of European Schools, which began its operations in the autumn of 2008. The school consists of three language sections: English, French, and Finnish. The school includes a kinder-garten, primary school, and secondary school-high school. The school follows the curriculum of the European Schools.


    You can work at one of our following locations

  • Helsinki
    Bulevardi 18
    00120 Helsinki
  • Visit the organisation
    Other information

    Other information related to the task

  • Employment group: Specialists
  • Remote work: No possibility to work remotely
  • Position created: The position was entablishet in unit.
  • Reason for a fixed-term job: Nature of work
  • More information of a fixed-term job: Part-time position
  • Working time format: Weekly working hours
  • Trial period: 4 months
  • Basis of remuneration: The job-specific salary is determined according to the teachers' agreement of the state schools: based on demand level CO05-CO06.
  • Apply now
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