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  • We are looking for an enthusiastic and motivated postdoctoral researcher to work on space weather modeling in a new ERC Consolidator Grant project at the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI). The position is located in Kumpula campus, Helsinki, Finland.

    Your tasks include studying space weather observations on the BepiColombo mission from Mercury and modeling them with our group's numerical simulation tools. The work is part of the Mercury in the solar wind (MEOW) project funded by the European Research Council (ERC Consolidator Grant) in FMI’s Space Weather group. In the project, we are developing new numerical particle modeling methods for ion and electron dynamics in magnetospheric solar wind interaction based on high-performance computing and apply those in European Space Agency’s and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s BepiColombo science program.

    In addition to analysis work, you will participate in international research collaborations including the BepiColombo team, scientific conferences and prepare publications for peer-reviewed international scientific journals.

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    • Ilmatieteen laitos
    • TemporaryAll jobsEmploymentOffice working hoursSpecialists
    • 11243
    • 1.4.2025 - 31.3.2028
    • The total gross salary at the beginning of the work will be about 3700-4000 euros per month.
    • 14.2.2025 14:38 - 10.3.2025 12:00
    • UusimaaHelsinkiSelect an area of responsibilityPossibility to work remotelyScience / research / development and statistics
    Our expectations of the applicant

    The position is meant for a person who has completed, or is about to complete, their doctoral degree, and who is interested in progressing in their postdoctoral research career in the diverse world of space physics phenomena and solar system research. In addition, we expect from the applicant:

    • PhD degree in a relevant field like physics, theoretical physics, astronomy, space science and technology, mathematics or geophysics
    • Knowledge of space physics, space weather phenomena, plasma physics or solar system research, for example, through studies or research work
    • Good computer skills
    • Good spoken and written English
    • Willingness for international collaboration and participation in international meetings
    • Published articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals in a relevant field

    Other qualifications regarded as assets:

    • Programming skills with Python and C++ languages
    • Experience in analysing observations on spacecraft missions
    • Experience with plasma simulations
    • Finnish language skills

    Language skills needed in the position
    • English
      • Speaking: Good
      • Writing: Good
      • Understanding: Good
    We offer you The FMI is an internationally renowned and respected research institution. Joining us provides you with the opportunity to develop your expertise in a diverse and inspiring community of experts and receive guidance from leading researchers in the field. The participation in BepiColombo is among the biggest investments in solar system exploration missions by Finland and the FMI.

    Our Space Weather Research group currently has 17 researchers. We are an international pioneer in space weather modeling for over three decades already. We also provide a wide range of space weather services to meet the needs of various sectors of society. By working with us you get to qualify in frontier research of space weather, use novel modeling methods and participate in a major international solar system exploration mission.

    We support your work with modern workspaces and equipment, excellent occupational health services, an on-site lunch restaurant and a variety of cultural, sports, and well-being benefits. We offer flexible working hours, and partial remote work is possible, but we meet at the office regularly.

    Finland has one of the world's most advanced social welfare systems and work-life balance is a priority. Excellent employee benefits include, for example, annual paid holidays, paid parental leave and sick pay.
    Contact Information

    For more information about the position, contact the ERC project principal investigator Riku Järvinen, riku.jarvinen@fmi, or tel. +358 29 539 4681. Questions preferably by e-mail.

    How to apply

    Primarily, we request applicants to submit their applications electronically via the service. However, you can also apply for this job by delivering your application to the Registry Office’s postal address. Both the application and the envelope must feature the ID number of the position applied for. The letter must be delivered by the end of the application period.

  • The Registry of the The Finnish Meteorological Institute

    P.O.BOX 503 (Erik Palménin aukio 1, 00560 Helsinki) 00101 Helsinki
    00560 Helsinki

  • Organisation
  • The Finnish Meteorological Institute is an administrative branch of the Ministry of Transport and Communications. The Finnish Meteorological Institute makes observations and research on the atmosphere, the space and the seas. It also provides services on weather, sea, air quality, climate and space.

    Erik Palménin aukio 1, 00560 Helsinki

    You can work at one of our following locations

  • Helsinki
    Erik Palménin aukio 1
    00560 Helsinki
  • More about the employer
    Position information

    Other information of the position

  • More information: The position is for a 3-year fixed term. The starting date is April 1st, 2025 and the ending date is March 31st , 2028, or by agreement. Continuation is possible.

    Employees proficient in Finnish have the opportunity to participate in space weather service on-call duties after gaining sufficient experience, for which additional compensation is paid.

    Send a free-form application with CV, complete list of publications, transcript of studies/records and contact information of 1-3 referees through recruitment system by March 10th, 2025 at 12 noon (EET). You can leave your application in English or Finnish.
  • Level of position: Specialists
  • Remote work: Possibility to work remotely
  • Description of the remote work: Partial remote work is possible
  • Reason for fixed-term employment: Nature of work
  • Additional info about fixed-term employment: Project work
  • Working time format: Office working hours
  • Trial period: There is a probationary period of six months in the beginning.
  • Remuneration information: Salary will be based on experience and performance according to the FMI salary scale, base level 12.
  • Apply now
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