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  • Natural Resources Institute Finland

    Research Scientist, doctoral researcher, impact of microplastics on plant and soil healthDeadline for applications24.1.202516:00

    Recruitment's ID 9683

    Natural Resources Institute Finland

    Research Scientist, doctoral researcher, plant-microbial-soil interactionsDeadline for applications24.1.202516:00

    Recruitment's ID 9682

    National Land Survey of Finland

    Postdoctoral Researcher - Digital Waters (the application period has been continued)Deadline for applications27.1.202516:15

    Recruitment's ID 8794

    National Land Survey of Finland

    Postdoctoral Researcher - drone technologies (the application period has been continued)Deadline for applications27.1.202516:15

    Recruitment's ID 8800

    National Land Survey of Finland

    Postdoctoral Researcher - geoinformatics (the application period has been continued)Deadline for applications27.1.202516:15

    Recruitment's ID 8802

    National Land Survey of Finland

    Postdoctoral Researcher - laser scanning (the application period has been continued)Deadline for applications27.1.202516:15

    Recruitment's ID 8806

    Natural Resources Institute Finland

    Research Scientist, postdoc, bird researchDeadline for applications30.1.202516:00

    Recruitment's ID 10029

    The Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)

    Senior researcher, DNA-based biodiversity monitoringDeadline for applications31.1.202515:00

    Recruitment's ID 10092

    Natural Resources Institute Finland

    Research Assistant, remote sensing of forests and peatlands (2 positions)Deadline for applications31.1.202516:00

    Recruitment's ID 9602

    Institute for Economic Research VATT

    Trainee to develop an R package to parallelize the analysis of microdata (application period extended)Deadline for applications31.1.202516:00

    Recruitment's ID 9144

    Natural Resources Institute Finland

    Trainee, atmosphere-forest clearcut interactionsDeadline for applications31.1.202516:00

    Recruitment's ID 9575

    Natural Resources Institute Finland

    Trainee, data science ("big data" and geo-spatial data)Deadline for applications31.1.202516:00

    Recruitment's ID 9804

    Natural Resources Institute Finland

    Trainee, fish behaviour and welfareDeadline for applications31.1.202516:00

    Recruitment's ID 9557

    Natural Resources Institute Finland

    Trainee, multiobjective forest managementDeadline for applications31.1.202516:00

    Recruitment's ID 9595

    Geological Survey of Finland

    Research Scientist (Organic and hydrothermal processes in the formation of metal deposits)Deadline for applications31.1.202516:15

    Recruitment's ID 9117

    Geological Survey of Finland

    Research Scientist (postdoc) - Hydrogeology / PFAS Transport in subsurface environments.Deadline for applications31.1.202516:15

    Recruitment's ID 9650

    National Land Survey of Finland

    Postdoctoral Researcher - Space Geodesy (the application period has been continued)Deadline for applications23.2.202516:15

    Recruitment's ID 8812

    Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for Southwest Finland

    Specialist in Interreg Programme managementDeadline for applications24.2.202516:15

    Recruitment's ID 10411

    Open application to the State of FinlandDeadline for applications31.12.203423:59

    Recruitment's ID 9

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