Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom

The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom is an authority serving people and businesses in licence, registration and approval matters related to transport and communications. Traficom promotes traffic safety and a well-functioning transport system and helps advance the digital transformation. Traficom supports sustainable development and ensures that everyone in Finland has access to high-quality, secure and reasonably priced communications connections and services.

The agency has approximately 900 employees in 15 locations across Finland. Our head office is in Helsinki.

Who are the experts we are looking for?

The scope of Traficom's responsibilities is wide, ranging from road and maritime transport to aviation and railways, and from mobile and radio networks to well-functioning communications connections. In addition to roles in these fields, Traficom looks for skilled professionals to work on preventing and combatting cyber threats, especially within the National Cyber Security Centre Finland.

Traficom offers its employees an environment that supports and fosters their development as well as that of the organisation, and considers competence building and occupational well-being high priorities. Flexible hours and the possibility of working remotely help the agency's employees find and maintain a healthy work-life balance. We also offer our employees commuting, sport and culture benefits as well as access to comprehensive occupational healthcare.

Watch our video

We all share the drive to move and communicate. Your connections are close to our hearts (in Finnish).

Contact information

Read more about us on our website.



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Valtiolle Valtiolle-logo is the job search service of the Finnish government. Our service is a showcase for working in the state and an application channel for open jobs and internships in the state. Our service constantly has hundreds of positions open for versatile work tasks in Finland and abroad.

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